No. |
Coauthors |
Title |
Journal/Publication |
Volume |
year |
pages |
1 |
J. P. O. Santos |
sequences and two identities of V.A. Lebesgue |
Discrete Mathematics |
257 |
2002 |
125-143 |
2 |
Finite Rogers-Ramanujan type
identities |
Journal of Combinatorics |
10(1) |
2003 |
#R13, 122 pp. |
arXiv download from EJC |
3 |
James Sellers & Gary Mullen |
Bijections and congruences for
generalizations of partition identities of Euler and Guy |
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics | 11(1) |
2004 |
#R43, 19 pp. |
download from EJC |
4 |
RRtools---a Maple package for
aiding the discovery and proof of finite Rogers-Ramanujan type
identities |
Journal of Symbolic Computation | 37 |
2004 |
415-448 |
preprint DOI |
5 |
A combinatorial proof of a
partition identity of Andrews and Stanley |
International Journal of Mathematics and
Mathematical Sciences |
2004 |
2004 |
2495-2503 |
6 |
On identities of the
Rogers-Ramanujan type |
Ramanujan Journal |
11 |
2006 |
403-429 |
arXiv DOI |
7 |
On series expansions of
Capparelli's infinite product |
Advances in Applied Mathematics |
33 |
2004 |
397-408 |
arXiv DOI | |
8 |
Identities of the
Rogers-Ramanujan-Bailey type |
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and
Applications |
308 |
2005 |
669-688 |
arXiv DOI | |
9 |
Equations and identities of the Rogers-Ramanujan-Bailey type |
Journal of Difference Equations and
Applications |
10 |
2004 |
1069-1084 |
arXiv DOI | |
10 |
Doron Zeilberger |
Disturbing the Dyson conjecture
(in a GOOD way) |
Experimental Mathematics |
15 |
2006 |
187-191 |
arXiv DOI |
11 |
On simplifications of certain q-multisums |
Advances in Applied Mathematics | 39 |
2007 |
260-268 |
arXiv DOI |
12 |
Disturbing the Dyson conjecture
in a generally GOOD way |
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A |
113 |
2006 |
1368-1380 |
arXiv DOI |
13 |
Identities of the
Rogers-Ramanujan-Slater type |
International Journal of Number Theory |
3 |
2007 |
293-323 |
arXiv DOI |
14 |
A partition bijection related to
the Rogers-Selberg identities and Gordon's theorem |
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A | 115 |
2008 |
67-83 |
arXiv DOI |
15 |
Doug Bowman and
James McLaughin |
Some more identities of
Rogers-Ramanujan type |
Ramanujan Journal |
18 |
2009 |
307-325 |
arXiv DOI |
16 |
Disturbing the q-Dyson conjecture |
in Experimental Mathematics, in
Contemporary Mathematics |
457 |
2008 |
261-271 |
arXiv | |
17 |
James McLaughlin |
Ramanujan-Slater type identities
related to the moduli 18 and 24 |
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications | 344 |
2008 |
765-777 |
arXiv DOI |
18 |
On the ordinary and signed
Göllnitz-Gordon partitions |
East Asian Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences |
6 |
2008 |
63-68 |
arXiv |
19 |
James McLaughlin |
Combinatorics of
Ramanujan-Slater type identities |
Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory |
9 (S) |
2009 |
Article 10, 14 pp. |
arXiv e-print |
20 |
James McLaughlin &
Peter Zimmer |
Lifting Bailey pairs to WP
Bailey pairs |
Discrete Mathematics
309 |
2009 |
5077-5091 |
arXiv DOI |
21 |
James McLaughlin &
Peter Zimmer |
Rogers-Ramanujan computer
searches |
Journal of
Symbolic Computation |
44 |
2009 |
1068-1078 |
arXiv DOI |
22 |
James McLaughlin &
Peter Zimmer |
Rogers-Ramanujan-Slater type
identities |
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics | 15 |
2008 |
DS#15, 59pp. |
updated version on
arXiv; original 2008 and updated 2022 versions |
23 |
A Rademacher-type formula for partitions
overpartitions |
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences | 2010 |
2010 |
Article ID 630458, 21 pp. |
arXiv e-print |
24 |
The Apostles and brothers of Jesus | The Tomb of Jesus and His Family?: Exploring Ancient Jewish Tombs Near Jerusalem's Walls, ed. J. H. Charlesworth and A. Boulet, Eerdsmans, 2013. ISBN 978-0-8028-6745-2. | 2013 |
preprint |
25 |
Sylvie Corteel & Carla Savage
Lecture hall sequences, q-series,
and asymmetric partition identities |
Partitions, q-Series, and Modular Forms, ed. K. Alladi and F. Garvan,
Springer, 2012. Developments in Mathematics, Vol. 23. ISBN 978-1-4614-0027-1.
2012 |
53-68 |
preprint DOI |
26 |
Towards an automation of the circle
method |
Gems in Experimental Mathematics, in
Contemporary Mathematics |
517 | 2010 |
321-338 |
arXiv |
27 |
Rademacher-type formulas for restricted partition and overpartition functions |
The Ramanujan Journal Published by |
23 |
2010 |
253-264 |
preprint DOI | |
28 |
James McLaughlin &
Peter Zimmer |
Some implications of Chu's 10ψ10 generalization of Bailey's 6ψ6 summation formula | Online Journal of Analytic Combinatorics | 5 |
2010 |
24 pp. |
free download
arXiv |
29 |
Carla Savage
On an identity of Gessel and Stanton and the new Little Göllnitz identities | Advances in Applied Mathematics | 46 | 2011 |
563-575 |
preprint DOI |
30 |
James McLaughlin |
On a pair of identities from Ramanujan's lost notebook | Annals of Combinatorics | 16 |
2012 |
591-607 |
arXiv DOI |
31 |
James McLaughlin |
Polynomial generalizations of two-variable Ramanujan type identities | Electronic Journal of Combinatorics |
18(2) |
2011 |
#P15, 10 pp. |
arXiv |
32 |
Dennis A. Eichhorn and
James McLaughlin |
Hybrid proofs of the q-binomial theorem and other identities | Electronic Journal of Combinatorics |
18(1) |
2011 |
#P60, 21 pp. |
arXiv |
33 |
Compositions, partitions, and Fibonacci numbers | The Fibonacci Quarterly | 40 |
2011 |
348-354 |
preprint arXiv |
34 |
Hua Wang | On the maximal Wiener index and realted questions | Discrete Applied Mathematics | 160 |
2012 |
1615-1623 |
35 |
Doron Zeilberger | Formulæ for the number of partitions of n into at most m parts, using the quasi-polynomial ansatz | Advances in Applied Mathematics | 48 |
2012 |
640-645 |
preprint at the arXiv
and at DZ's page DOI |
36 |
Doron Zeilberger | Rademacher's infinite partial fraction conjecture is (almost certainly) false | Journal of Difference Equations and Applications | 19 |
2013 |
680-689 |
preprint at the arXiv
and at
DZ's page DOI |
37 |
Hua Wang | The minimal number of subtrees of a tree | Graphs and Combinatorics | 19 |
2015 |
255-264 |
38 |
Linus Lindroos & Hua Wang | Odd Fibbinary numbers and the golden ratio | The Fibonacci Quarterly | 52 |
2014 |
61-65 |
preprint arXiv |
39 |
Yuriy Choliy | A formula for the partition function that "counts" | Annals of Combinatorics | 20 |
2016 |
301-316 |
arXiv DOI |
40 |
Shashank Kanade, James Lepowsky, and Matthew C. Russell | Ghost series and a motivated proof of the Andrews-Bressoud identities | Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A | 146 | 2016 | 33-62 |
arXiv DOI |
41 |
Brian Hopkins, Mark Shattuck, Thotsaporn Thanatipanonda, and Hua Wang | Parts and subword patterns in compositions | Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory | 9 | 2017 | preprint | |
42 |
A classical q-hypergeometric approach to the A2(2) standard modules | Analytic Number Theory, Modular Forms and q-Hypergeometric Series: in Honor of Krishna Alladi's 60th Birthday, University of Florida, Gainesville, March 2016 | |
2018 | 713-731 | arXiv DOI |
43 |
Yuriy Choliy and Louis W. Kolitsch | Partition recurrences | INTEGERS |
18B |
2018 |
(Paper A1) 15 pp. |
arXiv free download |
44 |
The combinatorics of MacMahon's partial fractions | Annals of Combinatorics | 23 |
2019 |
1073-1086 |
arXiv DOI |
45 |
Charles W. Champ | The exponential distribution analog of the Grubbs-Weaver method | Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods | 49 |
2020 |
1894-1903 |
arXiv DOI |
46 |
Integer partitions probability distributions | Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods | 50 |
2021 |
3556-3563 |
arXiv DOI |
47 |
Robert Schneider | The product of parts or "norm" of a partition | INTEGERS | 20A |
2020 |
Paper A13, 16 pp. |
arXiv |
48 |
Robert Schneider | Analysis and combinatorics of partition zeta functions | International Journal of Number Theory | 17 |
2021 |
805-814 |
arXiv DOI |
49 |
A refinement of the binomial distribution using the quantum binomial theorem | Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods | 52 |
2023 |
294-308 |
DOI arXiv |
50 |
George Andrews and Jürg Fröhlich | In Memoriam: Freeman Dyson (1923-2020) | Notices of the American Mathematical Society | 68 |
2021 |
1140-1155 |
51 |
Charles Champ | Process, Population, and sample: the researcher's interest | Applied Mathematical Analysis and Computation---First Southern Georgia Mathematics Conference, Statesboro, USA, April 2-3, 2021 (virtual), Springer | |
2024 |
arXiv |
52 |
Integer partitions and the Wilcoxon rank-sum statistic | Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods | 53 |
2024 |
8954–8963 |
DOI | |
53 |
A refinement of the multinomial distribution with application | Applied Mathematical Analysis and Computation---First Southern Georgia Mathematics Conference, Statesboro, USA, April 2-3, 2021 (virtual), Springer | |
2024 |
225-242 |
54 |
A.P.Akande, M.D.Hendon, N.Pulagam, R.Schneider, et al. | Computational study of non-unitary partitions | Journal of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society | 38 |
2023 |
121--128 |
arXiv |
55 |
Robert Schneider | Combinatorial formulas for arithmetic density | INTEGERS |
2022 |
Paper A.63, 7 pp. |
arXiv |
56 |
Charles Champ | The generalized law of total variance and total covariance | Applied Mathematical Analysis and Computation---First Southern Georgia Mathematics Conference, Statesboro, USA, April 2-3, 2021 (virtual), Springer |
2024 |
243-254 |
57 |
Robert Schneider | Composition theoretic series in partition theory | Ramanujan Journal | 65
2024 |
1863--1881 |
arXiv DOI |
58 |
William Keith and Robert Schneider | Composition theoretic series and false theta functions | INTEGERS; republished in Combinatorial Number Theory, De Gruyter 2025. | 24A
2024 |
Paper A11, 19 pp. |
59 |
M. G. Schneider, C. McCarthy, M. Maxwell, J. Pfeffer, R. Schneider | Mathematics of the MML functional quantizer modules for VCV Rack software synthesizer | Infinite Loop | 1
2024 |
3 pp. |
arXiv |
60 |
Generalized Carlos Scales | submitted |
arXiv |